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We Are Undefeatable returns with new ad and resources

The ad and tools to help people get active come alongside research showing the impact coronavirus has had on people with long-term health conditions.

7th July 2020

As a quarter of adults living with a long-term health condition report being afraid to leave the house with coronavirus (Covid-19) restrictions eased, the We Are Undefeatable campaign returns with a new advert.

The campaign is designed to encourage people with long-term health conditions to keep active as a means of maintaining good health and wellbeing and, in some cases, managing symptoms.

New research released today shows that 55% of people with a long-term health condition report feeling anxious about lockdown being lifted, and that 20% have, barring emergencies, not left their home since mid-March.

And while many people welcome the easing of restrictions, a quarter of those with long-term health conditions say they won’t return to communal sport and leisure centres until there's a vaccine, or coronavirus is no longer a threat in the UK.

The We Are Undefeatable campaign commissioned the research and it comes alongside a new advert – which airs for the first time tonight and shows the ups and downs of managing a condition and getting active in these unusual times – a library of customisable mini workouts, called 5in5, and My Daily Undefeatable, a virtual assistant tool in Facebook Messenger that helps with activity planning and motivation.

This Morning’s resident NHS GP Dr Zoe Williams has also been enlisted to help people living with a health condition to adjust to life, both mentally and physically, as lockdown restrictions ease.

“It’s no surprise that people living with health conditions have concerns and feel anxious about how safe it is for them to get back to normal life,” she said.

“This is to be expected, as we have been conditioned by the government and the media that people with certain health conditions must stay at home and this is especially true for those in the shielding group.”

  • Dr Zoe's top tips

    To help people adjust to life as lockdown restrictions ease, Dr Zoe has some tips.

    • Be kind to yourself and remind yourself ‘it’s no wonder that this is scary’. Take gradual steps, so start with something that feels relatively safe, such as an outdoor walk in an open space. If doing this, consider wearing a face covering, as a reminder to others that you respect social distancing.
    • When the time is right, and you feel comfortable to go to shops, cafes, the hairdresser, consider going at quieter times, such as the start or end of the day.
    • Alternatively, there are many things that people can do at home. Remember, anything that is movement counts: housework, seated exercises on the sofa, squats at the kitchen bench whilst waiting for the kettle to boil, through to yoga and stretching. It all counts, it’s just a case of finding what is best suited to you and doing what you can on the days that you feel well enough.
    Read less

The doctor will also oversee the virtual coming together of a walking football team and a dance group to get active online under the guidance of two coaches.

The team members, made up of people living with long-term health conditions, will meet with their coaches online to learn a routine and build new skills.

England’s walking football manager Stuart Langworthy will be coaching the team, with sessions provided for a range of abilities and fitness levels.

Whether you are already part of a team but don’t feel comfortable about returning just yet, or you simply want to find a new way to get active with a group of like-minded people, these sessions will be a great way to have fun and keep moving in your own space,” he said.

“We hope that the sessions will not only help people stay active and motivated, but also ensure that people don’t feel alone with their condition and can help forge connections with other people who may be feeling the same way.

“We will aim to use the social media to build a good team spirit as well as providing activities suitable for each member.

“Walking football has literally changed many people’s lives – it has given many a new lease of life – not just in terms of the physical benefits of playing for an hour or two each week, but also the mental health benefits of being part of a team: having fun.”


An easy-to-try and customisable mini workout to help people living with health conditions explore what may work for them. Users can choose five individual exercises from the library, which you do for one minute at a time. The library will include four categories to choose from depending how you feel – warming up, stress-busting, mood-boosting, and exercises with accessories.

My Daily Undefeatable

A virtual assistant tool, hosted on Facebook messenger, that will check-in with people to see how they’re feeling, physically and emotionally, as well as how they’re keeping active. Users can answer questions about what motivates them to keep moving, and then schedule reminders to check-in on a daily or weekly basis.

The dance squad will be led by independent dance teacher Katie Mason – a specialist in dance classes for people with restricted mobility, health conditions and/or limited space at home – with the football and dance programmes running for an initial pilot period of 10 weeks, ahead of an intended broadening to more teams and disciplines.

Each team’s progress, along with helpful tips and advice, will also be shared on the We Are Undefeatable social media channels so people can try it for themselves at home.

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