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Movement Fund Partners

We're on a mission to create healthier, happier communities across England. But we can't do it alone. That's why we need your help.

What's the opportunity?

We want to team up with passionate organisations like yours to make applying for funding easier and truly inclusive for underserved community groups.

Becoming a Movement Fund Partner means joining forces with a diverse network of Partners who share our vision.

Together, we'll make a real impact on the physical and mental wellbeing of people all over the country.

A group of women take part in a barre exercise class

Below you can find out more about why partnerships matter, your role in it all and how we'll support you, as well as what's happening next.

  • Why partnerships matter

    We've talked to lots of community groups and they've told us they need more support.

    Many of them struggle to even know where to start when it comes to applying for funding.

    That's where you come in.

    By working closely as a network of Partners, we'll help bridge the gap between these groups and the resources they need to thrive. 

    Explore the reasons why partnerships matter. 

    To be truly inclusive of underserved people and organisations we need to go to them, rather than expecting them to come to us.

    Experience shows this means working closely with a network of trusted Partners who are passionate about tackling inequalities and have knowledge, expertise and experience of working with the people and communities we most want to support. 

    We've spent the last few months conversing with over 100 partners and community organisations to gain insight into the hurdles faced by community groups during the funding application process.  

    Our findings revealed that many community organisations aren't even aware of funding opportunities, and ones that are, often find it a daunting process, requiring support and assistance at every stage of the way.

    By working closely as a network of Partners, we'll help bridge the gap between these groups and the resources they need to thrive. 

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  • Your role

    As a Movement Fund Partner, you'll wear many hats.

    You'll connect local organisations, understand their needs, share resources and help them access funding, playing a vital role in transforming communities across the UK.  

    Here's a closer look at what's involved. 

    The Movement Fund Partner role can be divided into six key functions, with a range of tasks within each.

    This list of tasks isn't exhaustive and there's flexibility in how Partners approach these tasks in a way that best works for them and the organisations they're supporting. 

    Connecting and building the network:

    • Joining the dots: connect local organisations and trusted Partners, including non-sport organisations, to help them grow and thrive. 
    • Bridging the gap: provide essential information and updates between local organisations and the Movement Fund. 
    • Uniting the Movement: be a catalyst for local networks to develop, map provision and identify gaps in community support. 

    Understanding the need: 

    • Meeting them where they are: understand the unique needs of different groups and organisations by engaging directly with them. 
    • Identifying opportunities: spot organisations and communities that could benefit from funding and make sure they know about the Movement Fund. 
    • Communicating needs: share insights about community needs across our network of Partners. 
    • Recommendations: use your local knowledge to recommend great projects for Movement Fund support. 

    Collaborating and sharing: 

    • Learning and impact: collaborate with other Partners and bring organisations together to share successes and lessons learned. 
    • Promoting collaboration: encourage joint applications for funding by facilitating connections between organisations. 
    • Amplifying voices: share stories and impact to highlight the fantastic work being done in communities. 

    Support to access funds: 

    • Crowdfunding assistance: help organisations run successful crowdfunding campaigns to secure additional support. 
    • Local networks: build relationships with other funders locally and support organisations to access other funding opportunities. 

    Capacity building: 

    • Empowering organisations: provide opportunities for community groups to develop skills and resilience. 
    • Guidance and support: offer advice on governance, infrastructure, resource management and more, to ensure organisational sustainability. 
    • Succession planning: help organisations plan for the future to ensure long-term sustainability. 
    • Local trust: support organisations in becoming trusted and integral parts of their communities. 

    Support to develop applications: 

    • Guidance and advice: offer clear support before, during and after the application process to meet the needs of applicants. 
    • Access to resources: direct organisations to tools and resources related to the Movement Fund. 
    • Encouragement: inspire organisations to think innovatively and creatively to address community needs. 
    • Feedback: provide constructive feedback on applications to help organisations improve their chances of success. 

    Our shared responsibilities

    Our intention is that Movement Fund Partners will work alongside us and develop these roles over time, so that we can adapt and improve the approach to have the best possible impact. Working together, we'll agree and maintain a set of shared responsibilities: 

    • Flexibility: adapt our approaches based on local contexts, emerging needs and innovation. 
    • Learning culture: foster an open and honest culture of learning and sharing. 
    • Communication: maintain clear and regular communication with us and all partners to uphold trust. 
    • Collaboration: develop better systems to enable seamless communication and collaboration. 
    • Community engagement: listen to unheard voices within communities and involve them in shaping the Movement Fund.
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  • How we'll support you

    We've been exploring the most valuable forms of support in collaboration with previously funded partners.

    It's crucial that we continue refining our approach even after the Movement Fund Partners are established.

    Some examples of support may include:

    • regular communication with designated Sport England colleagues
    • partnering with another organisation through a buddy system
    • a thorough onboarding process to fully comprehend the Movement Fund and the Partner role
    • regular updates on programme priorities and evolving criteria
    • training sessions to enhance knowledge and confidence in crowdfunding
    • development of systems and platforms to facilitate Partner networking and the sharing of insights, learning and tools
    • dedicated support from our evaluation and learning partner (once established). 

    Additionally, financial assistance will be available to Partners to bolster their capacity.

    The specifics of this support are still being determined. However, it's essential to acknowledge our limited resources and ensure that funding is distributed equitably and efficiently.

    Our aim is to maximise funding allocation to support the community groups we aim to serve.

    More details on capacity support will be provided in the coming months, ahead of the application process. 

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Ready to get involved?

If you're passionate about making a difference and want to be part of something big, we want to hear from you.

You can use this form to register your interest in becoming a Movement Fund Partner and to sign up to our mailing list, which will keep you informed of any developments.

We have also recorded a webinar to outline more information about the programme and to provide some additional context. We heard reflections from two organisations who worked in a similar way with us as part of the Together Fund network, as well as answering some initial questions in a Q&A.

Movement Fund Partner webinar

Let's work together to build healthier, happier communities across England.

Expected timeline

  • April–June 2024: next phase of engagement 
  • Summer 2024: application process  
  • Early autumn 2024: onboarding of initial network of partners 
  • Autumn 2024: partner network goes live.

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