This page allows you to listen to an audio recording of Uniting the Movement, watch it in British Sign Language and order a copy in Braille - continue reading or go back to our main strategy page.
Watch our strategy in British Sign Language
Foreword from Tim Hollingsworth
Foreword from Nigel Huddleston MP
Our vision
Our mission
Why moving matters
What we'll do
What we'll do: Advocating for movement, sport and physical activity
What we'll do: Joining forces on five big issues
What we'll do: Recover and reinvent
What we'll do: Connecting communities
What we'll do: Positive experiences for children and young people
What we'll do: Connecting with health and wellbeing
What we'll do: Active environments
What we'll do: Catalysts for change
What we'll do: Effective investment models
What we'll do: Realising the power of people and leadership
What we'll do: Applying innovation and digital
What we'll do: High-quality data, insight and learning
What we'll do: Good governance
How we'll work
How we'll know if we're successful
Listen to our strategy
Please note
In our British Sign Language and audio versions we incorrectly state that: "The strategy identifies that for certain people – like disabled people, people from lower socio-economic groups and people from Black, Asian and Chinese backgrounds, there is a clear pattern of low levels of activity and so there will be a sharp focus on providing more opportunities for those who are being left behind."
The correct statement should be: "The strategy identifies that for certain people – like disabled people, people from lower socio-economic groups and people from Black and Asian backgrounds, there is a clear pattern of low levels of activity and so there will be a sharp focus on providing more opportunities for those who are being left behind."
Order our strategy in Braille
You can request a copy of Uniting the Movement in Braille to be posted to you.
Read in large print
Download a large print version of our Uniting the Movement strategy.