Horizons are a team that facilitates transformation and innovation across the healthcare system by using large-scale change techniques to build energy and broker connections.
In 2021, we joined forces with the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID) and Sport England to deliver the Moving Healthcare Professionals programme (MHPP).
This ambitious initiative, running since 2017, aims to embed physical activity within health systems to support people to stay healthy and to support the management of long-term conditions.
Together, we are working to help ensure this becomes the norm, rather than the exception.
This work provides a great opportunity for us to connect the dots to other large-scale transformation work we are leading across the NHS and to maximise the benefits for individuals, society and the healthcare system.
The potential to drive change is hugely exciting, but it’s also a leap into the unknown.
Below are some of the approaches we’ve explored together and some highlights from what we’ve learnt along the way.