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Joint statement following publication of the Whyte Review's Interim Report

The review follows a series of serious allegations of mistreatment within gymnastics.

9th March 2021

Our chief executive, Tim Hollingsworth, has released a joint statement with the chief executive of UK Sport, Sally Munday, in response to the publication of the Interim Report of the Whyte Review into gymnastics.

The review follows a series of serious allegations being made about the treatment of gymnasts at all levels of the sport.

A gymnast works the bar

“Sport England and UK Sport have received the Interim Report from Anne Whyte QC as part of her independent review into allegations of mistreatment within the sport of gymnastics.

“We’d like to thank the Review team for their work to date, and we recognise the courage of the gymnasts, parents, coaches and others from across the gymnastics community who have come forward to share their experiences with the Review.

“The Interim Report has concluded that there are no amendments currently required to the terms of reference, and so Sport England and UK Sport will now wait for the full Review to be completed before making further comment.”

Tim Hollingswoth and Sally Munday

Chief executives of Sport England and UK Sport

The Whyte Review, which has been co-commissioned by us and UK Sport, is addressing whether:

  • gymnasts’ wellbeing and welfare is (and has been) at the centre of the culture of British Gymnastics, its registered clubs and member coaches and if not, why not 
  • safeguarding concerns and complaints have been dealt with appropriately in the sport of gymnastics and if not, why not
  • gymnasts, or their parents, carers or guardians, have felt unable to raise complaints with appropriate authorities and if so, why.

An independent website for the review has been created and contains all information relating to the review.

The review is being undertaken by Anne Whyte QC, a highly respected and experienced barrister with an extensive record of acting in complex criminal and civil litigation, as well as non-recent and institutional forms of abuse, both physical and sexual. The Terms of Reference are available to read on the Whyte Report website.

While there's no definitive timescale for completion of the report, the Whyte Review is aiming to produce this by the end of August.

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