An uplifting, hopeful music track starts playing.
A gentle fade from white reveals an aerial view of the Doncaster skyline. The Sport England logo fades in over the top.
An adult male starts speaking, and then the camera cuts to him talking. He is stood in front of a window with Doncaster in the background.
On-screen title: Andy Maddox, Strategic Lead, Get Doncaster Moving.
Andy Maddox: "Uniting the Movement does give that champion call. This is the way we’re going to work, but it allows you to do it how your local communities wish to deliver it, not how I wish to deliver it, or others within the network, it’s how those local communities use it."
The video shows a montage of shots featuring a group of people with Parkinson’s disease taking part in a dance class. They are smiling and dancing.
Andy Maddox: "Get Doncaster Moving is a – it’s an approach. An approach to a way of working across our network. This is not owned by, you know, local authority or a single organisation. It is definitely owned by our network, which is our population. It’s about working with those communities, to reduce levels of inactivity and increase activity across the population. With all those benefits it brings along, the health, employment, economic etc."
A range of shots showing a group of mostly older people practising yoga.
More shots of people with Parkinson’s disease and dance instructors smiling and dancing during a dance class.
An adult female starts speaking, and then the camera cuts to her talking. She is stood in front of a wall with signage that says Our ‘RDaSHway’.
On-screen title: Jackie Gelder, Strategic Falls Lead, Rotherham, Doncaster and South Humber NHS Foundation Trust.
Jackie Gelder: "It’s really important that we keep our patients active whilst they are under our care in our inpatient units, but also when they go home."
More shots of people practising yoga.
Jackie Gelder: "To know that we’ve got organisations and initiatives in the community that we can connect our patients to on discharge. That’s going to help them continue the work that they’ve done under our care."
An adult female starts speaking and then the camera cuts to her talking. She is stood outside in the Walled Garden at St. Catherine’s House at Woodfield Park, Doncaster.
On-screen title: Lizzie Degerdon, Senior Occupational Therapist & Programme Lead, Flourish Enterprises.
Lizzie Degerdon: "Exercise doesn’t have to be about just going to the gym. It can be around finding fun ways to get moving, and it often brings people together, you know, whether it’s having a game of football..."
More shots of people with Parkinson’s disease smiling and dancing during a dance class.
Lizzie Degerdon: "...or going for a walk in the – in the woods on the doorstep with your dogs and chatting to other people. There’s all sorts of ways that you can kind of keep moving, and actually it’s just part of life and it’s part of your identity and your social networks, and it’s really important."
A shot of a sign hanging on a bar outside a building. The sign says ‘Yorkshire Bike Shack’ and underneath that ‘Community Interest Company’.
Lizzie Degerdon: "So we’re really working together to try and turn this into a thriving community park where there’s lots going on and something for everyone."
A lot of bikes in storage.
A man is servicing a bike.
Aerial drone shot of Woodfield Park, Doncaster.
The camera cuts back to Andy Maddox talking while stood in front of a window with a view of Doncaster in the background.
Andy Maddox: "Place-based working is key to actually making a difference. Even in a place like Doncaster, which is really a borough of villages and towns."
Camera cuts to a sign outside Doncaster train station that says 'Welcome to Doncaster'.
A panning shot of Doncaster Minster.
A person pushes away on a bike.
He cycles across a bike lane.
Andy Maddox: "Each one of those will have a slightly different way of working. The more granular you can get, the better it’s going to be for that place."
Camera cuts back to Jackie Gelder talking in front of the RDaSHway sign.
Jackie Gelder: "For Get Doncaster Moving and Sport England to recognise the needs of Doncaster as a place and then tailor those needs is really important so that we’re getting initiatives that are fit for purpose for the people of Doncaster."
Camera cuts to a montage of shots of dance instructors leading a class.
An adult female starts speaking, then the camera cuts to her talking. She is stood in front of a window with a view of houses and a garden.
On-screen title: Charlotte Armitage, Dance Artist, darts.
Charlotte Armitage: "So Dance On has really evolved in the last year or so. Physical activity, particularly dance, connects people in a way that they can’t get in other areas."
Montage shots of people with Parkinson’s disease and instructors smiling and dancing during a dance class.
Charlotte Armitage: "The more you can get out and be involved in physical activity, the more your communities, your relationships with people, as well as your mood and your wellbeing can improve. Our relationship with Get Doncaster Moving means that we can connect with partners, health professionals and communities in a way that we wouldn’t have that access without their knowledge and their connections. It’s all of those people working together and putting those people in contact that means that we can then do more work and be more accessible to people."
Another adult female starts talking, then the camera cuts to her talking. She is stood in front of a window.
On-screen title: Maureen Harris, Dance On Participant.
Maureen Harris: "We are so grateful to the organisation that it promotes this. My husband has never moved his limbs as much as this for years."
Maureen and her husband are shown dancing together during the dance class.
The video fades to white and a Sport England logo fades in.
The uplifting, hopeful music track fades out.