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Movement Fund Charter

Our charter commits us to supporting and inspiring active communities by simplifying funding, promoting inclusivity, fostering collaboration, and driving innovation in community sports and physical activities.


We pledge transparent, inclusive, and ambitious practices to ensure impactful funding, creating a lasting legacy of increased activity and community engagement across England.

We ask our partners to share our commitment by engaging their communities, being transparent, collaborating, and adapting.

Together, we can celebrate achievements and continuously improve the impact of our investments on community sport and physical activity.

Our Movement Fund commitments as a funder

We are inclusive

Simplified processes: We commit to making funding information, guidance, and processes simple and proportionate, while safeguarding public money. 

Inclusive outlook: We will be inclusive in reaching new organisations, people and communities. 

Good governance: We will assist organisations in embracing good governance as part of their service to their community.

We are collaborative

Active engagement: We will actively listen, learn and respond to community organisations who know their area and its needs best; these organisations are at the heart of the Movement Fund. 

Effective partnerships: We will work with Movement Fund Partners to ensure funding reaches the places, organisations, and people who need it most.  

We are innovative

Diversified funding: We will diversify the funding offer to attract other sources of investment, building on our crowdfunding model.

Continuous improvement: We will listen to feedback and regularly review processes and requirements to ensure the fund makes the most impact it can. 

We are ambitious

Clear objectives: We will be clear about the funding objectives and priorities, with a laser focus on what we’re trying to achieve.

Learning and adaptation: We will learn from investments and understand that not every project will go to plan or succeed.

Open reporting: We will share our progress and report on our success on an annual basis.  

Your Movement Fund commitments as an applicant

You are inclusive

Community engagement: You will work with your community to design and deliver your project, ensuring that no-one feels excluded. 

You are collaborative

Transparency: You will always be clear, open, and honest with us about your project, sharing information about other partners and sources of funding secured. 

Active engagement: You will work with other people and organisations in your network, enhancing opportunities to increase activity in your area. 

You are innovative

Adaptability: You will inform us if you need to change your project or budget. Sometimes things don’t go to plan, and that’s okay; together we may be able to find solutions. 

You are ambitious

Sharing success: You will share your successes and the learnings from the project so both your community and Sport England can celebrate and understand what you have achieved. 

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