2.1 We will get your written agreement before making any change to the Project.
2.2 We will start the Project in accordance with the timescales set out in the Award Agreement, unless otherwise agreed.
2.3 We agree to make satisfactory progress with the project in accordance with any timetable set out in our Application Form and supporting documents and to complete it within one year of the Award.
2.4 We will keep full records of the Project expenditure and ensure a full audit trail of transactions. We will not pay for goods or services in cash but always in a payment method that can be tracked and reported on.
2.5 We will not use the Award to pay for any spending commitments we have made before the date of the Award Agreement.
2.6 We will tell you of any offer of funding for the Project from anyone else at any time during the Project.
2.7 If we spend less than the whole Award on the Project, we will return the unspent amount to you promptly. If the Award part-funds the Project, we will return the appropriate share of the unspent amount to you.
2.8 If the Project makes a distributable profit, we will notify you within 28 days of filing our accounts for the year in which the profit was made. We agree to pay to you a proportion (to be decided by you) of any such profit within six months of our accounts being filed.
2.9 We will acknowledge the Award publicly as appropriate and as practical. We will follow your branding and publicity guidelines as shown on your website at all times. We will acknowledge your support in any published documents that refer to the Project, including job advertisements, accounts and public annual reports, or in written or spoken public presentations about the Project.
2.10 We hereby consent to any publicity about the Award and the Project as you may from time to time require. You can carry out any forms of publicity and marketing to promote the award of the Award as you see fit. We agree to do whatever you reasonably require in order to assist with any form of publicity and marketing, including any press or media related activities.
2.11 We will tell you promptly about any changes to information we have provided and will make sure that the information you hold is always true and up to date.
2.12 In our management of all personal information we will meet the requirements of the Data Protection Act 2018 and the General Data Protection Regulation (2016/679).
2.13 We will tell you immediately if any of our key contacts or people whose salaries are funded by the Award change.
2.14 We agree to adhere to all laws regulating the way we operate, the work we carry out, the staff we employ or the goods we buy and will manage any conflicts of interest appropriately. We will ensure that we have an equal opportunities policy and if our Project involves work with children, young people or other vulnerable groups we will also have a protection policy to help us comply with all relevant laws and good practice throughout the period of the Award Agreement and in accordance with clause 9.1 below. We will obtain all approvals and licences and any profile checks required by law or by you.
2.15 If we are a charity, we will register with the Charity Commission if our income goes over their minimum exemption figure.
2.16 We will maintain adequate insurance at all times and if asked, will supply copies of confirmation of insurance cover to you. This includes employee and public liability insurance and insurance that covers the full replacement value of any assets you have funded.