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Introducing the Movement Fund

Our Movement Fund service lead explains what's new about our latest fund, what we've done to make it easier to use and how we want everyone to get involved so we can keep improving the way we support those who needs us most.

10th May 2024

by Andrew Spiers
Movement Fund service lead, Sport England

Following months of work with a group of brilliant colleagues and partners, the end of April saw the launch of the Movement Fund – a new funding service offering crowdfunding pledges, grants and resources to enhance physical activity opportunities for individuals and communities in need.

The main target of this fund is to help organisations – from small grassroots clubs to larger groups – with projects that align with our objectives.

Successful organisations will receive support of up to £15,000 to cover a wide array of costs and items to deliver positive change in local communities.

In line with our long-term strategy Uniting The Movement, which sets out our commitment to tackling inequalities in sport and physical activity, we’re particularly interested in projects that provide opportunities for people and communities facing the biggest barriers to being physically active.

Going a step further

The Movement Fund replaces our previous Small Grants and the Active Together funds.

In the past, these funds were instrumental in addressing specific needs and promoting community engagement in physical activity and sport.

But with the Movement Fund we now take the knowledge gained so far and take it a step further by simplifying the application process and enhancing our ability to support impactful projects across England.

For me, a particularly exciting element of the Movement Fund is the expanded role of crowdfunding investment.

Crowdfunding is not the same as traditional grant funding and it does require work to set up and successfully run a campaign, but it has many benefits that make all this extra work so worth it.

The main target of this fund is to help organisations – from a small grassroots club to larger groups – with projects that align with our objectives.

Because as well as what organisations achieve financially, those running these kinds of campaigns have seen increased numbers of new members, sponsorship from local businesses, a greater sense of place within the community and the development of new skills in social media, marketing and communications.

Crowdfunding offers a matched investment of up to £15,000 and organisations also receive a range of tools, support and guidance to help them crowdfund successfully – a really exciting investment option.

I’m also really happy that we’re taking a 'service' approach to the Movement Fund.

Whilst that might just sound like the latest Whitehall jargon, the principles of user needs being central to the approach has made the fund simpler and easier to use.

Plus, frequently reviewing and improving things based on the user feedback is key to developing an approach that works.

Building a collaborative approach

So, whilst last month's launch delivered some really exciting changes, we’re just as thrilled about where the Movement Fund will go in the coming months and years.

In fact, we’re already working to establish a network of Movement Fund Partners with the aim of teaming up with passionate organisations who can support community groups applying for funding.

In the last few months we have spoken with over 100 partners and community organisations to understand the hurdles they face during the funding application process.

They've told us they need more support and we've also learnt that many aren't even aware of funding opportunities, and that the ones that are often find it a daunting process - requiring support and assistance at every stage.

That's why we want to establish a network of Movement Fund Partners who can help bridge the gap between these groups and the resources they need to thrive.

Because to be truly inclusive of underserved people and organisations we need to go to them, rather than expecting them to come to us.

Experience shows this means working closely with a network of trusted partners who are passionate about tackling inequalities and have the knowledge, expertise and experience of working with the people and communities we most want to support. 

So if you're passionate about making a difference and think you could support organisations that do brilliant work and have brilliant ideas but struggle to access the investment they need to thrive, we want to hear from you!

Join our Movement Fund Partner mailing list or sign up for our webinar on 16 May to find out more.

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