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Movement Hub

Our Movement Hub showcases the best of our tools and resources to help everyone in the sport and physical activity unite the movement.

Welcome to the Movement Hub, a curated list of resources for anyone who is, or wants to be, part of the movement.

In our 2022-25 Implementation Plan we committed to creating a free set of resources, with the aim of helping people and organisations solve challenges and access support.

What you'll find here is the best and most useful of what we as Sport England have to offer. These resources already exist, but we’re trying to make them easier to find and access.

This current hub is a pilot that offers different user groups the resources that will be of most use to them; however it's far from exhaustive and the rest of our website holds a wealth of information.

In time, and with the help of further user research, the Movement Hub will be developed and evolve into a full resource hub, with new offerings that will help with future challenges.

A group of young people reach down to pick up dodgeballs at the start of a game

Resources for everyone

The Movement Hub is currently organised by user group, with what we know, and what we've heard from users, are the most popular and useful of our tools and resources.

But below are resources that we feel are helpful to everyone in the sport and physical activity sector, regardless of your role.

Uniting the Movement

Our 10-year vision to transform lives and communities through sport and physical activity.

Read the strategy itself, our two implementation plans so far and find out how we developed Uniting the Movement with more than 150 conversations with partners and stakeholders.

Read our strategy

Active Lives

Our Active Lives surveys measure the activity levels of people across England.

We run two surveys annually: Active Lives Adult and the world-leading Active Lives Children and Young People.

Both give a unique and comprehensive view of how people are getting active.

Find out more and see the latest results

Movement Fund

The Movement Fund provides crowdfunding pledges, grants and support to help projects that get more people active.

If you're eligible and your project aligns with our goals, you could receive up to £15,000 to cover a wide range of costs and items that'll help deliver positive change in your community.

It was developed following a commitment in our Implementation Plan to simplify access to our funding by creating a single point of entry – replacing the separate process we had previously.

Read more and check if you're eligible

Equality, diversity and inclusion

We stand for everybody, from every background, in every place, having an equal chance to be active and benefit from it.

Our aim is for a sporting system that's truly inclusive and properly reflective of UK society.

Here, you can read about our ambitions as an organisation and catch up with our latest Equality, Diversity and Inclusion work, including the Tackling Racism and Racial Inequality in Sport review and a review of our own Code for Sports Governance.

Read more about our work

Code for Sports Governance

Organisations seeking public funding for sport and physical activity must meet gold standards of governance, considered to be among the most advanced in the world.

This is why we, with UK Sport, developed the Code for Sports Governance – a must-read for anyone in receipt of National Lottery or Government funding to provide sport and physical activity opportunities.

Read the Code in full


We developed Buddle to provide free learning and support resources to inspire and strengthen clubs and community organisations offering sport and physical activity – and the professionals that work with them. 

Replacing the previous Club Matters programme, Buddle shares the latest information, training and tools to help clubs and organisations overcome challenges and make the most of the opportunities available to them.

Explore Buddle

This Girl Can

Launched in January 2015, This Girl Can is our nationwide campaign to get women and girls moving, regardless of shape, size and ability.

It seeks to tell the real stories of women who get active or play sport in the way that’s right for them, using images that show what activity really looks like in all its sweaty, jiggly glory.

The website has everything from advice about getting started in exercise to resources for This Girl Can supporters on how they can help amplify the campaign.

Visit This Girl Can

Image library

Our free image library provides a diverse set of more than 2,000 images of people playing sport or getting active.

Free to use, you just need to sign up for an account to get access and start using our imagery to help promote your sport and physical activity opportunities.

Browse the library

We Are Undefeatable

We Are Undefeatable is a national campaign to support the 15 million people who live with one or more long-term health conditions in England.

Launched in August 2019, it aims to help those with conditions such as diabetes, cancer, arthritis and Parkinson’s to build physical activity into their lives.

The campaign is led by a collaboration of leading health and social care charities and benefits from our expertise and insight, along with National Lottery funding.

Visit We Are Undefeatable

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