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Environmental sustainability case studies

To aid with the understanding and implementation of our Every Move sustainability strategy and action plan, we've produced six case studies.

They showcase best practice in each of the priority themes we highlighted in Every Move.

  • Climate adaptation and biodiversity action

    Whalley Range Cricket and Lawn Tennis Club

    Whalley Range Cricket & Lawn Tennis Club is an inner-city Manchester community club who have been at their Kingsbrook Road location since 1923.

    In 2012, the club experienced drought followed by a 1-in-100-year flooding event.

    The same level of flooding then occurred in 2016, 2017, and every year after that.

    The outfield was flooding annually and the square requiring watering by April and May.  

    The club decided to act:

    • Native trees and fruit trees were planted on the outskirts of the field to better soak up excess water.  
    • The outskirts were left to rewild with reduced mowing and trimming – 'not being able to find a ball is not the end of the world, but climate change could be'.
    • Daisies, clovers, and other ground covers were allowed to grow on the outfield, welcoming back the worms, insects, and birds.  
    • Wildlife was further encouraged with bug hotels and bird boxes.  

    The club found plenty of willing partners for this work, from the Woodland Trust, Manchester City Council, to corporates keen to contribute as part of their corporate social responsibility (CSR). Members volunteered for planting days and helping build bird boxes.  

    The Whalley Range team want to play their part in protecting the sport for future generations to enjoy. Through their actions, the club has: 

    • reduced flooding from intense rainfall in summer  
    • improved soil health and reduced erosion  
    • increased natural nitrogen levels in the soil   
    • removed the need to buy pesticides to maintain the grounds, as the natural system of worms, insects, and birds keeps the pests away.

    The club has reached record membership and believe their environmental sustainability work has contributed to member retention and engagement.   

    Their top tips:  

    • Play your part, start planting trees 
    • Let spaces rewild, sometimes ‘benign neglect’ is best.  
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  • Championing inclusion

    Deer Park Archers

    Deer Park Archers is a community archery club in Gloucestershire that exemplifies sustainability, participation, and inclusion.  

    Traditionally, archery can present barriers to participation.

    Deer Park strives to be inclusive for all ages, physical abilities, neurodiversities and financial situations, as well as promoting environmental sustainability:  

    • The outdoor grass shooting surface was reinforced with a plastic grid to allow for all weather, all ability use.  
    • Specific have-a-go days are hosted for people with diverse neuro or physical abilities to provide a safe introduction to the sport.  
    • The facility is built on an old, inert landfill site, the team have reduced invasive species and re-introduced native species and woodland.  
    • The neighbouring recycling plant is a major sponsor, supplying many of the materials that the club requires.  

    Deer Park Archers have developed an inclusive culture where everyone identifies with the club and its values.

    The club is a buzzing community hub, where the local astronomy club use the facilities at night, the prison service uses the grounds for exercising their dogs, and on weekday mornings their own ‘Men in Sheds’ group meet at the club to help with club maintenance, volunteer for community projects, and generally enjoy the social interaction and fulfilment it brings.  

    By focusing on the individual and not just the archer, Deer Park Archers have strengthened their position for grants and financial support from the local council and community.

    And by providing an accessible, inclusive, and safe space for people of all ages and abilities to participate, the club has seen a significant increase in membership.  

    Their top tips: 

    • Work with your members and community to consider what you are trying to achieve and develop a vision and a mission. Embed these into the culture.  
    • Engage with your community and build partnerships to deliver positive outcomes together.  
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