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Volunteers – 10 million thanks

To mark National Volunteers' Week our strategic lead for volunteering thanks those giving their time and skills to help others and highlights the data on those supporting our sector plus some key campaigns that may inspire you.

3rd June 2024

by Jenny Betteridge
Strategic lead volunteering, Sport England

It’s the first week of June and that can only mean one thing – it’s National Volunteers’ Week!

This year we’ll be celebrating from 3 to 9 June, which will allow us to go big on our thanks and celebration of the 10 million adults and over 1.5 million children and young people who have given their time and skills to help others be active in the last year.

With sport and activity being one of the largest sectors to volunteer in, this is truly amazing. Thank you!

The many sides of volunteering

Everyone who helps out has their own story to tell and their particular reason for being there and just as there are over 10 million stories of volunteering, there are also over 10 million different ways to volunteer.

Some are at big events – like the 45,000 volunteers getting ready to support the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games – and some support smaller campaigns like England Netball’s micro-action women’s health campaign or the many possibilities of The Big Help Out.

But regardless of the size of the opportunity, no volunteer action goes ever unnoticed and they share a drive to greater happiness, mental and physical wellbeing and stronger community connections.

A group of adults and young people pose for a picture on an outdoors basketball pitch with most of them wearing white T-shirts that have The Big Help Out logo on them

Our Active Lives surveys shows the huge impact and positive outcomes of volunteering as a force for good, with those volunteering regularly scoring higher for happiness, life satisfaction and a feeling that their life is worthwhile compared to those who don’t volunteer.

You can dive into our data tables to find out more.

Volunteering is also fun – although our surveys don’t yet count this – but as a person who has volunteered many times, I can testify to it.

The results from the latest Active Lives Adult Survey (from November 2022 to November 2023) found 10 million adults gave their time and volunteered in sport and physical activity at some point in the year preceding their response.

Everyone who helps out has their own story to tell and reason for being there and just as there are over 10 million stories of volunteering, there are also over 10 million different ways to volunteer.

However, underneath the headlines, we know that volunteering is changing and that it doesn’t always work for everyone all of the time.

The data shows that you are less likely to give your time weekly if you are female, if you live in a more deprived area or if your family are financially less well-off.

Working on volunteering opportunities for everyone

As a sector, we need to respond to how people want and can give their time and this is where two exciting initiatives come in.

The Vision for Volunteering has a 10-year mission to support clubs, groups, charities and organisations to build on great volunteer practices so that everyone is able to lend their skills, time and enthusiasm and support their community to be active.

The other I've mentioned already – The Big Help Out, a national volunteer-taster weekend on 7-9 June.

This celebration is an opportunity to try something new in your community in a one-off fun way.

Last year over seven million people in the UK got involved, celebrating and trying out all things possible (from marshalling at a triathlon, litter-picking with GoodGym, exploring the outdoors with the Ramblers, or trying out roles with local swimming or rugby clubs) in local communities across the country.

Also mentioned higher up today is England Netball, who are linking their NETBALLHer campaign on female health with The Big Help Out.

They're inviting people to try a range of volunteering opportunities, including small but meaningful ‘micro-actions’.

The idea is that small conversations and tiny actions can have a huge impact on women and girls being active.

For instance, when out with friends or with colleagues in the office, encourage them to build in some pelvic floor exercises, or help educate them on the difference a right-fit sports bra means for women and girls when being active.

Whilst not many of us will ever volunteer at an Olympic Games, every contribution is valuable when supporting your local groups. 

If your organisation hosts volunteers, check out the Vision for Volunteering events and add your opportunities to the Big Help Out, or if you want to try volunteering look at The Big Help Out app now and sign up to be part of a national moment.

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