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Future of public leisure

The restrictions of the coronavirus pandemic and people's changing exercise habits as a result, the rising cost of energy, chemical shortages and staff retention have created a challenging landscape for the public leisure sector.

In order to build a sustainable sector, we've worked with key stakeholders in the industry to produce the Future of public sector leisure report.

This report provides an overview of the current landscape and outlines a model that will enable the sector to create a more sustainable future. 

A woman smiles during a yoga class in a dance studio, with two more women in the background

This model - a shared vision between all stakeholders - would see traditional leisure services transition to being focused on active wellbeing.

It would create a closer relationship between health and leisure, built on social prescribing, co-location of services and the delivery of preventative activity opportunities – providing users with convenient places and ways to be active, located in close proximity to other health and social care services and facilities.

Co-location of facilities maximises the impact and value for money of these services and forms a key part of the 20-minute neighbourhood concept. 

The new vision is built around four inter-related foundations and commitments that come together to support seven broad themes.

Four inter-related foundations of the new vision:

  • Alignment of leisure, physical, mental health and social care
  • Place-based provision
  • Low carbon provision
  • Strong sector leadership

Seven broad themes of the vision:

  • High-quality data and insight
  • Environmental sustainability
  • Strengthening the connection to health
  • Digital transformation
  • Coordination and partnerships
  • Leadership and workforce development
  • Championing equality, diversity and inclusion

For more information on the vision and to read the report in full, click the link below.

We’d like to thank to thank the following partner companies and organisations for their collaboration in the development of the Future of Public Sector Leisure report: 

Activity Alliance, Active Partnerships, Association of Public Service Excellence, Chartered Institute for the Management of Sport and Physical Activity, Chief Cultural and Leisure Officers Association, Community Leisure UK, District Council Network, Local Government Association, Swim England and UK Active.

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